Dry eyes
Dry eye is a condition in which the eyes become dry and susceptible to scratches.
This occurs when there is insufficient tear production or the quality of the tears is poor, preventing tears from reaching the entire surface of the eye.
The causes include aging, wearing contact lenses, and working with a computer or smartphone.
The number of times we blink decreases, and air conditioning such as heating and cooling causes dryness, and in Japanese people,
Approximately 1 in 6 people report having dry eyes.
Symptoms include dry eyes, stinging, pain, a gritty feeling, stinging, discomfort, eye fatigue, redness, blurred vision, and glare.
Other symptoms include tearing.
This may seem strange, but it happens because when dryness damages the surface of the eye, it causes an increased amount of tears to be produced reflexively.
Tears are secreted when you blink, so not many are produced while you sleep.
Therefore, people with dry eyes tend to feel their symptoms more severely upon waking up.
If you are suffering from dry eye symptoms, please feel free to consult our clinic.